We’re Improving Frontline Healthcare Worker Safety
We’re driven to help you minimize occupational hazards for healthcare workers—including needlesticks, sharps injuries, and other blood and body fluid exposures—through smarter, safer medical device evaluation, design, and implementation.
Improve Medical Device Safety
We’re the Training for Development of Innovative Control Technologies Project, or TDICT, and we provide you with the tools, resources, and design criteria necessary to effectively evaluate medical devices, including personal protective equipment (PPE) and devices that feature sharps injury protections.
Armed with your TDICT evaluation forms, you’ll be empowered to identify, evaluate, and select effective engineering and work practice controls as required within your Exposure Control Plan, helping you comply with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.
Online & Downloadable Evaluation Forms
Whether healthcare workplace injuries are related to unsafe use of sharps devices, failed safety mechanisms, or absent protective personal equipment, it must be our mission to identify weaknesses in our medical devices, equipment, and protocols—and work to improve healthcare worker safety.
That’s why we’ve updated these TDICT medical device evaluation forms, and why we’ll update all of our forms in the coming years.
Safer Injection
Evaluate sharps devices and help reduce sharps injuries for healthcare workers.
Sharps Containers
Evaluate sharps containers and ensure your sharps are disposed of safely.
Eye Protection
Evaluate protective eyewear and help reduce blood and body fluid exposures.
View all TDICT online and downloadable evaluation forms.